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About New Web
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About New Web
1. Sharing folders with others through the web

Fiabee allows you to share folders and files with other users. When sharing, you’ll also be able to decide what the user you’ve given access to can do with the files or folders you’ve assigned him, by giving him specific permission.

In order to share folders:

  1. Login into your account on
  2. Click on “Files” on the side menu and find the folder you want to share.
  3. Once you’ve found the folder, click on the sharing icon:
  4. You will access the menu that allows you to manage users and their permission levels.
  5. Type in the email addresses of the users with whom you want to share the folder or file.
  6. Select the permission level you want to assign to the user you’re sending the invitation to:
    1. See, modify and share: this means the user can edit, change or delete the shared folder and its contents. The changes will also appear in the folder you’ve shared with him. The user will also be able to share the folder at his discretion.
    2. See and modify: the same permission as the previous one, except that this level will not allow the user to share the folder with others.
    3. See: The user will have a local copy of the shared folder on his PC, but any changes he makes to those files or their content, even if he deletes the file, will not be replicated in the folders of the other users he has shared with.
  7. Send the folder sharing invitation and you’re all set.
2. Sharing individual files with others

You can share specific files with others directly from the Fiabee website. In order to do that, just access the Fiabee website and create a share link. Send the link out to anyone and they’ll be able to download it with just one click.

You can set a password and the expiration time for the sharing links, that is set to 72h by default.

Instructions for creating and sending file sharing links:

  1. Login into your account on
  2. Click on “Files” on the side menu and find the file you want to share.
  3. Once you’ve found the file, click on the sharing icon:
  4. Optionally, you may set a password and an expiration time for the sharing link.
  5. Copy and paste the link or use Fiabee's mailing system.
  6. When the recipient receives the message, he needs to click on the link in order to download the file.

That said, the best way to maintain full control over sharing permissions is to share folders rather than specific files.

3. How can I see if a folder is shared, with whom and what permissions I have assigned?

You can see that a folder is shared when there is a two-person icon next to it.

The permissions assigned to the folder vary depending on the type of two-person icon you will find:

  • If you are the person who’s shared the folder (you are the “owner”), you will see two figures, one in red and one in blue.
  • If the folder was shared with you (another words, the other user is the “owner”), then both figures will be blue.

Instructions for viewing permissions assigned to the shared folders:

  1. Click on the icon that appears next to the folder we want to review.
  2. Then click on the “View shared folder info”.
4. How do I know when someone has shared a folder with me?

You will receive an invitation email containing a link to a shared folder. You will need to click on the link in order to accept the invitation. You can also accept the invitation without having to access your email.

  1. Click on “Pending folder invitations” on the side menu.
  2. You will then access a list of all pending invitations where you choose to accept them one by one.
5. Uploading files directly through the Fiabee website

There are two ways to upload individual files from the Web. After logging-in to your Fiabee account, and once you are inside the folder to which you want to upload a file,

  1. Click on the "Upload File" button. A window will open with access to your local desktop folder.
  2. Simply "dragging and dropping" your chosen files from your local desktop folder, and drag on the web browser. Dropping, will automatically start the upload. Drag&drop works with the following browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox v.12 onwards, Internet Explorer v.10 onwards, Safari v.5.1 onwards.

The maximum size of a single file that can be uploaded via the web is 150 MB, but there is no limitation on the number of files that can be uploaded at a time.

The folder to which files are being uploaded on the web browser during the upload process should be kept open.

6. Updating Files from Fiabee’s web

Fiabee’s web allows you to review the files you have stored in your account. These files are modified and updated from each of the device where you are running Fiabee.

When you upload any files to your Fiabee account through the website, the file will be saved and will automatically appear in your Fiabee connected devices, including laptops, PCs, mobile phones, etc.

Instructions for uploading files to your Fiabee account:

  1. Login into your account on
  2. Click on “Files” on the side menu.
  3. Access the folder where you want to upload the file(s).
  4. In the upper-hand menu, click on “Upload file”.
7. Recovering deleted files

If you accidentally erase a Fiabee backedup file either on your PC or from your account on the Fiabee website, we allow you to recover within a full 30 days.

Instructions for recovering deleted files:

  1. Access the website and login into your account.
  2. Select “Deleted Files” from the side menu.
  3. In order to recover a file, just click on the green arrow symbol
8. Recovering older versions of your files

Imagine you’ve accidentally replaced your file with a new version or need to access information saved in an earlier version. Fiabee allows you to access all previously saved versions of a file, up to the last 30 versions.

Instructions for recovering previous versions of a file:

  1. Access the website and login into your account.
  2. Click on “Files” on the side menu.
  3. Next to the name of the file, look for and lick on the following plus symbol:
  4. You will see a pulldown menu. Click on “View Versions”.
  5. You will see a complete list of the last 30 versions.
  6. Select and download the version you’re looking for by clicking on the following symbol:
9. Security of files stored with Fiabee

All files stored on your Fiabee account are saved on the devices where you have installed Fiabee as well as on Fiabee’s secure servers.

10. Maximum number of files you can upload through the Fiabee website

The number of files you can save to your Fiabee account is unlimited. However, for the time being, the maximum file size you can upload to your account is limited to 150 MB.

11. File types you can save to your Fiabee Account

Fiabee can store the vast majority of commonly used files. However, we have restricted our service to not accept the following types of files:

  • Empty files (size = 0)
  • System and hidden files: .sys
  • Files that contain drive images: .iso, .wim, .dmg
  • Files in temporary folders: (depending on each operating system)
  • Temporary files: .bak, .tmp, .o, and files beginning with ~ among others
  • Files in special folders: Windows dir, Recycle bin, program files
  • Files under "Documents and Settings" on XP or "Users" on W7
  • Files found in system folders
  • Virtual Machine files: .vmware, .vmx, .vmc, among others
  • Log files
  • Outlook files: .pst
  • Mac bundle files: .app, .bundle
  • Linking files
  • As well as the following file extensions: .dbx, .ost, .pst, .tmp, .DES, .IIF, .ND, .QBA, .QBA,.TLG, .QBB, .QBM, .QBR, .QBW, .QBW.TLG, .QBX, .QBY
  • Any files saved on external hard-drives
  • Single files of more than 2GB
  • Partial files when downloaded in Chrome .crdownload
  • SQLite temp files: .db-journal, .sqlite-journal
  • Linking files

On the other hand, Windows has a limit of 256 characters for a "path", meaning that the sum of the characters and file folders that make up the access path to the file cannot exceed 254 characters. In case of excess (either by creating them from the web or another PC with a different OS), Fiabee will not download the files to those OS versions of Windows that do not support this limit. It is important to highlight that this limitation is due to Windows Operation System limitations itself, not to Fiabee’s.

Fiabee is not optimized for backing up database, or systems that generate excessive quantities of unstructured data (files). In such cases we strongly recommend the creation of compressed files (ZIP or similar) before copying them to the folder Fiabee to be stored. This will facilitate the subsequent management. In general, the greater the number of files, more time is required for the execution of the synchronization and update tasks, which largely depend on the quality of the Internet connection, the time the PC is working and the process capacity -of the PC.

At present the maximum individual file size that can be raised through the web Fiabee is 150 MB in the current version. The upload using the Fiabee desktop app lets you upload individual files up to 2GB using a persistent and unassisted transmission.

12. Permanently deleting files

If you delete a file from your account on the Fiabee website, within 30 days the file will be permanently deleted from our servers. But you can also force Fiabee to permanently delete any file immediately:

  1. Click on “Deleted Files” on the side menu.
  2. In order to permanently erase a file, click on the symbol
13. Making changes to my personal account information

If you want to make changes to the email address or password linked to your account:

  1. Click on the arrow symbol, in the upper righthand corner, next to your email address.
  2. In the pulldown menu, click on “My Account”
  3. Follow the instructions on the screen to make changes to your contact information and password.
14. Downloading a file from the Fiabee website

All files changed, updated or edited to your Fiabee account, can be downloaded from the Fiabee website at any time. This means that you can have on-the-go access to your files from any browser with access to the Internet:

  1. Click on the following download icon that appears next to each file:
  2. The file will download to your computer.
15. Can I upload, update or change files on my Fiabee account
from my PC, laptop, mobile phone, tablet or browser?

All files changed, updated or edited to your Fiabee account, can be downloaded from the Fiabee website at any time. This means that you can have on-the-go access to your files from any browser with access to the Internet:

  1. Click on “Download” on the side menu.
  2. Install the Fiabee application you need for your device.
16. Send notifications for shared folders and their contents

For each shared folder and its contents (subfolders and files), you can send notifications to users with whom you share that particular folder, either to notify any change in one of the content files or to send a message.

To send a notification:

  1. Click on “Files” on the side menu.
  2. In the shared folder, click on the symbol to view options.
  3. Select "Send notification".
  4. Select the users you want to send the notification to or click "Select All", insert the comment you want to notify and click on "Send notification".